Felicity Smoak pays another visit to Central City, this time bringing her boyfriend the Atom with her. Ray Palmer needs to upgrade his suit's power source and thinks Harrison Wells can help. At the same time, people are being poisoned by excessive bee stings. These bees are actually miniature robots controlled by a woman who Ray and Cisco dub the Bug-Eyed Bandit (played by The Walking Dead's Emily Kinney, rocking a honeycomb dress and a pair of glasses).
Barry's a bit on edge after the previous episode's epiphany about Wells being the Reverse-Flash, and confides in Felicity about this, whose dealing with her own issues about what's going on in Starling City. Further complicating thing's is now that Eddie knows Barry's the Flash, Iris can tell that he's keeping something from her, and this is putting them on the rocks. I'm sure she'd take it pretty well if Barry told her himself, but as established in the show's first episode, Joe doesn't want her to know the secret. Not sure where this will go. A common theme I've seen in both this show and Arrow is just how much damage a big secret can do between friends and family. It's understandable, since people don't like being lied to. Even so, Eddie's a cop. I'm sure there's other things he can't tell Iris about for good reason.
We learn here that the Flash suit comes equipped with a defibrilator (which shorts out after it's needed to save Barry's life when he gets stung too much early on), and Cisco has a phobia of bees (which he overcomes to keep one of the bots from stinging Felicity or Ray).
The climax is pretty cool. The Atom saves Trina McGee from the bee bots and gets them to follow him into the water while the Flash takes on the Bug-Eyed Bandit directly. Felicity hacks into her network to take control of the remaining bots and bring her down. It's a great use both of our main hero and guest stars. The bees also inspire Ray to begin working smaller, which means he could be developing his signature shrinking technology after this.
Towards the end of the episode, Barry and Joe decide to bring Cisco and Caitlin in on their suspicions about Wells after Trina tells him how much Harrison has changed since his fiancee died. Cisco's been having nightmares about Wells revealing he's the Reverse-Flash and then killing him (the same thing that happened before Barry accidentally ran back in time and changed things), so he's on their side almost immediately. Now that the main cast (sans Iris) are all in on the truth, it remains to be seen how long Eobard Thawne can keep up his charade.
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