Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Power Rangers Dino Charge- Break Out

Previous episodes established the core team, and the need to find the Energems before Sledge does. Somebody is inside Fury (who has gained control of the Ptera Zord) and trying to break free, who Tyler assumes might be his father. When an exhibit on the Stone of Zandar ends up in their museum, the team now finds themselves in possession of the Gold Energem, which will allow him to keep the Ptera Zord charged. Tyler and Shelby posed as royals to lure Fury out, and while they kept the Energem, Fury still has a Ptera Charger to use against the Rangers.

This episode picks up as Prince Phillip III of Zandar shows up with his security detail to confiscate the exhibit and return it home, the Energem along with it. They're ambushed by Fury and a new monster. Although Phillip wasn't exactly nice to them, the Rangers still don't hesitate to protect him.

Once Fury himself gets ahold of the Energem, the person trapped inside Fury is let out. It's not Tyler's father after all, but the legendary Knight of Zandar, Sir Ivan. A morpher manifests on his wrist, allowing him to morph into the Dino Charge Gold Ranger. He quickly dispatches the mooks, monsters, and Fury with a bit of Zandar Thunder, and takes control of the Ptera Charge Megazord when the monster grows.

Ivan swears loyalty to Phillip, who relinquishes the Gold Energem to the fabled hero. After a short introduction to the other Rangers, Ivan goes off on his way, unclear if he's joining the team or not.

Standard in some ways to most Sixth Ranger introductions, but Ivan himself makes for a cool character. Like Caveman Koda, he's a relic from another time, and it's always neat to see an Arthurian type in a modern setting. Plenty of opportunities for him to bond and clash with his teammates. The question is still raised as to where Tyler's father is, and it's possible he's still inside Fury somewhere. All that remains to be seen.

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