Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Ridiculous 6

The story itself itself is fairly solid. Back in the Old West, a white man raised by Indians (Adam Sandler) has to steal money from bad people in order to keep a group of bandits from killing his long-lost father. Along the way, he meets his father's other sons: a Mexican (Rob Schneider), a simple-minded farmhand (Taylor Lautner), a mountain man who can't talk right (Jorge Garcia), the guy who inadvertently got President Lincoln killed (Luke Wilson), and black pianist (Terry Crews). Together form a gang and bond over time as they all hope to meet their dad. Sandler plays his role surprisingly straight, leaving most of the humor to his brothers.

I could have done without the messily flatulent donkey, and the baseball scene runs a little long. There are a few good historical gags, and that cast's chemistry is solid. The biggest problem with it, as with a lot of movies like this, is the gross-out gags. Even if these moments are few and far between, if you don't like this type of humor it will still take you out of the story. The bit early on where a guy removes his own eye to join a gang of outlaws has a great payoff near the end, tho. I don't really feel that this is that good of a movie, but it at least manages to be funny.

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