Millions of years ago, a team of Eltarian warriors called Power Rangers were betrayed by one of their own: Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks). Their leader, Zordon (Bryan Cranston), in his final act secured the Power Coins and brought down a meteor that sent Rita into the water, where she sank to the bottom. The story then picks up in present day Angel Grove, where football captain Jason Scott (Dacre Montgomery) is pulling a prank towards a rival school. Things turn south quickly when the cops show up and he has to make a getaway. Just when he thinks he got away, he gets into an accident and the film cuts to a black screen with the title in the corner.
3 weeks later, Jason's off the team, under house arrest, and has to attend Saturday school (he made it sound like he acted alone instead of with his teammates). We're now introduced to a couple of our other leads: Kimberly Hart (Naomi Scott) apparently spread an embarrassing photo around of another classmate then punched out her boyfriend, and now her old friends want nothing to do with her. Billy Cranston (RJ Cyler) is an autistic genius, and seems out of place in detention with the rest of the troublemakers. (We learn later it's because an experiment blew up in his locker.) When he's bullied by one of the other students, Jason steps and gets him to back off. In exchange, a grateful Billy does some GPS spoofing with Jason's ankle monitor, giving the young man back his freedom.
The two then drive to a mining quarry on the outskirts of town, where Billy's intent on digging for something. Jason wanders off and runs into Kimberly, who's swimming in a grotto. He's concerned when he doesn't see her resurface, only for her to show up behind him. They have some character moments, having gone from popular to outcast in the span of a few weeks, and are just about ready to give up on their town. However, they're not the only teens in the area. Zack Taylor (Ludi Lin) is out for some peace and quiet, and spots Trini Kwan (Becky Gomez) doing some meditation exercises. When Billy sets off an explosive, the teens run back in his direction and discover the Power Coins in the rubble. Unfortunately, the authorities are also attracted to their location, prompting a getaway. It's an incredibly haphazard escape, which ends with the teens getting hit by a train...and waking up in their beds on Monday morning. Meanwhile, Jason's father is working on a fishing boat when they manage to net Rita's body and leave her in the cargo hold, where she begins to revive.
Recent season of the show have given the Rangers physical enhancements in addition to their morphing powers, and that's what manifests first: super strength and super jumping. Jason, Kim, and Billy agree they have to go back out there. They run into Zack and Trini again, but have to chase the latter down before falling into a grotto. They discover they're glowing in the water and swim down to the bottom, where an air pocket leads to Zordon's Command Center.
Alpha 5 (Bill Hader) reveals himself and is overjoyed to meet them. The little robot instantly endeared himself, and serves as a friendly counterpoint to Zordon (his consciousness placed in the ship before his death), who explains to the teens that they are the new Power Rangers, and need to be able to morph so they can stop Rita from reviving Goldar and destroying the Zeo Crystal, which is buried somewhere under Angel Grove. They try to morph and fail, so the training montage begins. The Rangers are pitted against holographic representations of the Putty Patrol, who are far more rocky and monstrous in this version. While their fighting continues to improve, attempts at morphing are still met with failure. While all this is going on, Rita gradually takes on a more humanoid appearance while killing people and stealing gold.
Zordon's patience is running thin, and Alpha tries to incentivize the team by showing off their Dino Zords: powerful robotic vehicles who took the form of the strongest creatures on Earth at the time. They're not ready for them yet, but that doesn't stop Zack from taking his out for a spin. This puts him at odds with Jason when he gets back, prompting Billy to put himself in between the two to stop the fighting...which somehow gets him to morph into the Blue Ranger. Unable to trigger the transformation a second time, Zordon sends them out for the day. Jason stays behind and discovers another reason Zordon needs them to morph: it would open up the Morphing Grid and allow Zordon to step back into the land of the living, where he would presumably take back the Red Coin and stop Rita himself. Jason storms out in anger.
The Rangers figure that the reason they can't morph yet is because even as they become a better team, they're all still strangers, so they bond over a campfire swapping their own stories. Zack has been taking care of his sick mother, but doesn't go home at night to avoid facing the possibility of her death. Billy's father has been dead for some time, but as he spends more time with the others, he doesn't miss him as much. Kimberly doesn't want to talk, but confides in Jason later when they're alone. Trini's family is constantly moving, which she doesn't mind too much, but it doesn't give her much time to discover who she is (the subtle implication is that she's lesbian, bisexual, or at least queer; not a lot of detail).
After these character moments, we're thrust back into the story when Rita interrogates Trini in her home, and in what's definitely a true Power Rangers moment, the team decides it's time to go after her whether they have powers or not...This does not go well.
Rita overpowers the teens easily, capturing them and forcing Billy to reveal the location of the Zeo Crystal, something he worked out on his own. Having what she needs, she drowns Billy and sets the others free. They pull him out, but he's already dead. It's a complete shock that they would do this not just to a main character, but to the one member of the team who had the least baggage.
Desperate, the Rangers take Billy's body back to the Command Center, but there's seemingly nothing that they can do. The quartet mourn their fallen comrade, wishing they could trade their lives for his. Suddenly, the Morphing Grid is active. This would be Zordon's chance to step through, but he doesn't take it, allowing Billy to come back in his stead. The Rangers are finally ready and it's not a moment too soon, as Rita has begun bringing Goldar to life. It's Morphin Time. (Finally!)
The suits took some getting used to when they were revealed, but once they're on-screen, they look great. After an all too brief fight with the Putties, the Rangers get to the Zords and drive off to fight Goldar, the old theme playing briefly as they ride off into battle.
There's a lot going on in the fight, and while the show often doesn't waste any time getting to the Megazord, here we see each vehicle get to do something and fight off the monster. However, Goldar still succeeds in digging up the Zeo Crystal under the local Krispy Kreme. The Rangers try to hold the line, but are still pushed into the pit...only to emerge as the Megazord. The team takes a moment to figure out how to pilot it together, and manage to win. Rita remains defiant, but is slapped into space (the Green Coin no longer on her person as she gets iced over). The townspeople cheer, the day is saved, and our heroes settle back into their everyday life, ready for when the world needs the Power Rangers again.
It's an enjoyable origin story, that admittedly takes a little too long to get to the climax. The cast and characters fortunately manage to keep you engaged. Our troubled teens each go through a character arc. Jason and Kimberly specifically have redemption arc, as does Zordon, so there's a great underlying message that it's never too late to overcome your past mistakes and do something good. There's even a more subtle scene with Jason and his father about fixing up his truck from the night of the accident. Jason and Kim are the atoners, Zack and Trini are the outsiders, and Billy is the heart keeping the team together.
Goldar makes for an imposing visual, but it is disappointing he didn't have a personality or identity like his TV counterpart. By contrast, Rita is fantastic. Elizabeth Banks walks a fine line between camping it up and being a very serious threat. She got her hands dirty and fought the Rangers directly, which is something the old Rita never did. Zordon's a far more reluctant mentor than he used to be, but it's a relief that he does come into the role and grows to care for our heroes enough to give up his one chance at resurrection. His holographic wall also makes for a unique visual effect and lets him
interact with the team more than just being a head in a tube. Bryan Cranston actually used to do monster voices in the original show, so his full circle presence here is a treat.
With the origin story out of the way, I hope later films follow up with something a bit more action oriented. What we got was great, but it makes up maybe the last 25 minutes of a 2 hour movie. If the rest of the story hadn't fallen into place as well as it did, this would have been a disappointment. I'm glad I saw this movie and am really looking forward to what these teenagers with attitude do next.
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